Mechanical conveying

Mechanical conveying

Mechanical conveying (or spiral conveying) is the biggest innovation in bulk goods conveying in recent decades. With a flow rate of up to 7 700 lb/hour per spiral line, spiral conveying can cover almost any conveying volume requirement anywhere in the food industry.

Key benefits

  • Low-noise operation compared to pneumatic systems
  • Extremely accurate dosing
  • No risk of condensation in the tubes
  • Dust-free
  • Low energy consumption
  • Electrostatically safe
  • First in first out
  • Self-cleaning principle (hygiene)
  • 100% food safe
  • No start/stop loss times
  • No product heating
  • No segregation of the conveyed product

Key mechanical parameters

  • Flow rate of up to 7 700 lb/hour per line
  • Pipe diameters between 1.77" and 4.92"
  • Angles of ascent up to 45°